How To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home Fast - 7 Home Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home Fast - 7 Home Remedies

Blackheads are a very common unsightly problem that appears especially in areas such as the face or nose, and even if they are removed they easily reappear.

But can blackheads be removed permanently? There are ways to remove them without damaging the skin, but to prevent their reappearance you need to maintain a cleaning routine on a regular basis.

In this article, we explain why they appear and we explain 8 ways to keep pores clean and eliminate blackheads.

I personally tested 8 kinds of magic recipes for removing blackheads at home, and it is actually the most effective dental floss stick!

Blackheads can be said to be the goal of many of Guliang’s lifelong struggles. Many legendary methods to remove blackheads have been tried, and a lot of money has been lost in the great cause of removing blackheads, but it still stands tall and grows every day. ! But Zoya tested the following 8 ways to remove blackheads at home and found that it turns out that dental floss sticks are very effective for removing blackheads!

Baby Oil to blackhead

Tips: After cleansing, massage the nose with Baby Oil, and then wash it off after 45 minutes of massage. After that, use lotion to shrink pores.
For a while, it was very popular to use Baby Oil to remove blackheads, and many foreign bloggers have tried it! Although I was very suspicious of its effect at the time, wouldn't it mean that the more you use it, the bigger your pores will become?

But I felt that I couldn't go out, so I followed suit! As a result, after 45 minutes of massage, I basically didn't feel the great effect. I don't know if it is a problem with my skin quality!

Egg white to blackhead

Tips: First prepare a thin cotton pad, you can also use a tissue or mask paper instead, apply egg white on the nose, then apply a cotton pad, and then apply a layer of egg white, repeat 3-4 times, wait until the cotton pad After it's dry, just tear it off.

This method of removing blackheads was popular from abroad and has been popular for a long time! Zoya also took advantage of the heat at the time to give it a try.
It may be that the egg white is too mild. After applying it, wash it off and found that there are still a small number of blackheads left on the nose, which is not as effective as online transmission!

Salt + milk to remove blackheads

Tips: Stir 4~5 drops of milk with small salt. When the salt is in a half-melted state, you can apply it to the nose, then gently massage for about 30 seconds and then wash it off.

I have always heard that salt has many effects. Later, I heard that it helps to promote skin's clean oil secretion while removing blackheads, so I couldn't help trying. The whole process feels like using a scrub, which is more suitable for thicker cuticles; the final effect is not bad, and some blackheads can be removed on the surface.

Cleansing mask to remove blackheads

Tips: Choose a cleansing mud mask and apply it to the blackheads.

Everyone should do the cleansing mask. No matter which brands of cleansing mask, contains activated carbon and other ingredients, which has a suction function; it can suck the dirt in the pores out of the skin surface and clean the pores.

Due to its low irritation, although it will not easily expand the pores, it cannot completely remove the blackheads in one go, so the effect is slower than other methods. But long-term use, blackheads will be improved.

Pearl powder to blackhead

Tips: Mix the pearl powder with water until it is creamy, and then evenly apply it to the blackhead and gently massage it until the pearl powder is dry and wash off twice a week.

The practical methods of using pearl powder to remove blackheads and whitening with pearl powder are the same; because applying pearl powder to the face has the effect of removing blackheads, so the blackheads will naturally disappear a lot!

In addition, if high-quality pearl powder can be applied externally and internally at the same time, the blackheads and whitening effects will be more obvious!

Toothpaste to blackhead

Tips: Spread the toothpaste evenly on the nose, wait for about 10 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Do it about once a week. It should not be too frequent to prevent irritation of the pores.

You must have heard of this method before, maybe there are many children's shoes tried! Zoya also consulted a dermatologist about this, because toothpaste itself has cleansing and sterilizing effects, it has a little effect on removing dirt and acne from pores.

Zoya applied toothpaste on the nose, which felt very comfortable and cool. After washing off, the nose became obviously dry and the oil was gone, but the maintenance time was short. If you don’t pay attention to cleaning and maintenance, blackheads will slowly appear. !

Toothpaste can be applied directly to the nose, and the effect will be better after adding baking soda!

Toothpaste + baking soda to remove blackheads

Tips: After cleaning the nose, add a spoonful of baking soda powder in pure water, then add an appropriate amount of toothpaste and stir, mix and apply on the nose; gently massage the nose with a toothbrush or a washing brush. After a few massages, wash the nose clean, and then gently press the nose with your hands to force out blackheads.

Blackhead stickers to Zemove blackheads

Tips: Apply the blackhead soft film directly or use the export liquid to wet the blackhead first, then use the blackhead paste to tear out the blackhead, and then use the firming liquid to shrink the pores.

There are basically two common blackhead stickers, one is a soft film that can dissolve blackheads; the other is a trilogy blackhead sticker, which can tear off the blackheads at once, and the effect is immediate!

However, due to the different degrees of the stubbornness of blackheads, you first need to make a choice when using it! Deep stubborn blackheads may need pore cleansing nose patch to stick stubborn blackheads away, but long-term use will enlarge pores. People with sensitive skin are more suitable to use the blackhead cleansing soft film, and it will have obvious results if you continue to use it for a week.

What are Blackheads?

Blackheads are dark-colored pores that can appear on our skin, especially in areas of the face such as the nose and surroundings, and that we have all been able to have at some time.

They are known as open come done since they are open pores that are clogged by the accumulation of impurities, excess sebum, and dead cells. They usually appear in areas of the face where more excess fat is produced, such as the nose, forehead, or chin; but they can also appear on other parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, or arms.

The sebum or impurities are trapped in the pore-forming a plug and preventing the pore from closing. Accumulated substances such as sebum are exposed to the air, which ends up oxidizing them and giving them a dark color, hence they are seen as black dots.

Although it is above all an unsightly problem, it is important to eliminate blackheads and keep pores clean, since without good hygiene they can become infected and inflamed, causing acne pimples and pustules.

How To Remove Blackheads At Home

Removing blackheads is not an easy task, because even if we clean and remove that excess waste that accumulates in the pore, it remains open and takes time to close, making it easy to fill with sebum or dead cells and it clogs up again.

That is why we give you some tips on how to prevent its reappearance and what are the best ways to keep pores clean and free from the formation of black spots.

1. Balanced Diet

Another way to prevent blackheads from the start is to maintain a good diet. Many types of food promote the accumulation of fats and toxins in the body that must be eliminated through the skin so that an excess of sebum can end up forming blackheads or blackheads.

It is recommended to reduce the intake of foods that contain artificial fats, fried foods, red meat, or dairy. On the other hand, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, or healthy fats such as bluefish helps maintain healthy skin and free of excess fats.

2. Do Not Remove With Fingers

While it may seem like the quick way to get rid of blackheads, it's the worst. Many people feel the urge to try to remove the blackheads with their fingers or tweezers, but this way you can damage your skin and leave a scar. Or worse yet, you can infect the pore.

If you want to remove blackheads manually, it is best to go to a specialist to have them removed with a specific come done extractor. In any case, this does not ensure that you are going to eliminate them completely, so it is necessary to follow other tips to prevent their appearance.

3. Daily Cleaning Routine

However, the most important thing to permanently eliminate blackheads will be to do a good daily face cleaning. Washing your face daily, even with just water, allows you to get rid of excess sebum and impurities. It will also be important to remove make-up every night before bed.

But if you want to maintain this cleanliness, it is best to follow a cleaning routine with products that help you clean the pores and facilitate them to close, such as the use of cleansing gels and tonics.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water daily is essential to maintain healthy and blemish-free skin. Although it is not a way to eliminate blackheads per se, drinking between 1 and a half or 2 liters of water daily helps to keep the skin hydrated and eliminate impurities from the face, thus preventing them from accumulating in the pores and ending up forming a plug.

5. Masks

There are also specific masks to clean black spots or that are effective in cleaning the pores. Masks containing clay are recommended, which act as a powerful exfoliant and cleaner for skin impurities.

6. Good Exfoliation

By maintaining good eating habits and good daily cleaning, you can prevent excess sebum and impurities. To remove existing blackheads, you can exfoliate your face to allow deep cleansing of clogged pores.

There are specific exfoliating gels for blackheads. For greater efficiency, perform a steam bath that reaches your face well, in order that the pores open well and facilitate cleaning.

The continued use of these gels once or twice a week also allows cleaning dead cells that can clog pores on a daily basis.

7. Home Remedies

If you want to eliminate blackheads with more homemade products, you can create your own homemade masks or creams that help you clean and exfoliate the pores.

One of the most widely used remedies is egg white, which can clean the pores and encourage them to seal to prevent clogging. To create this mask, simply beat an egg white together with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for about 10 minutes before removing it with warm water. You can repeat it once or twice a week.

Baking soda is another remedy used to remove blackheads and blackheads. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda together with a little water to form a paste. Apply to the area affected by black dots and allow to dry for about 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. It can also be repeated once or twice a week.


How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Overnight – Home Remedies

Our body is specialized in reflecting our physical and emotional state, especially the face. Being so sensitive, it easily picks up any excess or lack of care. This leads us to talk and look for a solution to eliminate dark circles.

These appear as a kind of inflamed bag, with a brown or green hue, under the eyes, indicating that something bad is happening. Although they are generally caused by lack of sleep, stress, or worries.

It can also be attributed to dehydration, fluid retention, stagnation in the blood, hormonal changes, among others.

In this article, we tell you about some effective natural treatments to attenuate them.

Homemade Treatments To End Dark Circles

There are many reasons for the formation of dark circles. Lack of sleep, smoking, and alcohol are common causes. However, some people still have panda eyes even when they sleep well.

Summarize several physiological reasons:

1. Muscle dark circles:

This kind of dark circles is caused by the bags under the eyes that are too large or loose. It usually occurs in people over 40 years old and can be prevented by daily maintenance.

2. Nasal allergic dark circles:

 patients with allergic rhinitis are prone to deep skin problems of the lower eyelid due to long-term congestion of the sinuses and obstruction of the lower eyelid vein.

3. Vascular dark circles:

 In fact, most oriental women's dark circles are vascular dark circles, because the skin of the lower eyelid is relatively thin, so no matter what maintenance, dark circles may exist.


Aging will cause the eye sockets to sink, the muscles of the eyelids will move down, and the muscle tissue under the orbits will disappear. At the same time, as the age increases, the collagen content in the skin decreases sharply, and the skin's elastic fiber network collapses and cannot be supported. Skin, resulting in thinning of the skin as a whole, skin furrows, sunken skin under the eyes, visually forming shadows, leading to aging dark circles.

1. Potatoes

   Wash the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, stick them to the edema under eyes or dark circles, and apply externally for 30 minutes. Potatoes containing cholinerane derivatives can promote blood circulation, promote blood circulation, and reduce stasis. At the same time, potatoes contain a large amount of starch that can absorb water from inflamed and swollen tissues, which can effectively reduce swelling.

2. Apply hot and cold towels to your face

   Soak the towel in cold water and apply a cold compress to the eye area for about 10 minutes to shrink the blood vessels in the area and prevent the eye bags from increasing. Then apply a hot towel that is continuously heated to the eyes for 20 minutes to promote blood circulation in the eyes and take away local metabolic waste and moisture in the tissues as soon as possible. After several times, the dark circles disappeared.

  3, eye cream massage

   Use your fingertips to take a pearl-sized anti-dark circles eye cream, gently apply it from the inner corner of the eye to the acupoints, and then gently massage. Simply tap the eyelid area with your fingertips, so that the eye cream is completely absorbed by the skin, and the effect of the eye cream is maximized. Avoid pulling the skin back and forth during the massage. It is best to massage each eye for 10 seconds a day, which will improve the symptoms of eye puffiness.

4. Drink green tea

   People who use computers frequently can drink green tea, which helps to eliminate dark circles caused by computer radiation. Because it contains concentrated polyphenols that can supplement specific phytonutrients, it can inhibit the damage caused by free radicals to the skin's supporting fibers, stabilize the quality of sleep, and make people feel fatigue-free, thereby effectively alleviating the generation of dark circles.

Cucumber And Carrot

You can eliminate eye strain by grating a piece of cucumber and carrot and putting it on your eyelids for about 15 minutes every night.
Try to keep them in the fridge so that they are very cold and help your eyelids to achieve greater relaxation, rinse and try to do it with very cold water.
Cucumber contains a large amount of water and, together with the anti-inflammatory properties of carrots, they are an excellent treatment to hydrate and rejuvenate.


Lavender serves as an anti-inflammatory, the use of lavender oil on the skin is not recommended.

However, you can pour a drop of essential oil into the water.
Gently smear this mixture under the dark circles with a cotton ball.
There is no need to rinse as it is very little you are smearing.
If you have very sensitive skin you can make an infusion of water and lavender and vacuum the vapors.

Tea Compresses To Eliminate Dark Circles

Tea is useful to deflate and relax the body, making it an excellent solution to combat eye bags.

Boil a bag for about 10 minutes.
Then put one in each eye and let it act for a while.
You can do this treatment many times a day.
Strawberries to remove dark circles
Strawberries work as an anti-inflammatory, which will help to reduce the size of dark circles.

Prepare a puree with its pulp.
Apply it on the eyelid.
Leave to act for half an hour and remove with plenty of water.
Lemon to remove dark circles
This recipe is special to lighten the color of dark circles thanks to its vitamin C. This is because it helps improve blood circulation in this area.

Use a cotton ball and put it in a glass with lemon juice.
Apply it to the eye area taking care not to get into the eyes.
Let it sit for a while and wash with warm water.
Do it for two or three times a week.
I hope these homemade recipes help you to reduce and eliminate dark circles in your eyelids. If you notice that no matter what you do, nothing works, it is better to visit a doctor, lest you have a more serious problem.

The appearance of dark circles can have different causes: poor rest, stress, poor diet, excess caffeine, a busy lifestyle, even the inevitable genetics. If you want to combat them and show an awake and pretty look, very attentive because we bring you the natural and definitive remedy: castor oil.

Castor Oil Properties

Have you heard of castor oil? It is a natural extract that is obtained from the castor beans. In the world of beauty and cosmetics it is quite well known since it has benefits ranging from hair care to nail care, although, among its uses, it stands out for being a great anti-dark circle. This is due to its main properties, both for dark circles and for the skin:

Moisturizing Properties.

Most of the time, dark circles appear due to a lack of hydration on the skin. This oil contains moisturizing properties that help hydrate even the deepest layers of the dermis.
Whitening properties. This oil is rich in fatty acids, which give it a lightening power with which it improves and lightens the dark shadow of the dark circles.
Anti-inflammatory properties. Also thanks to its high content of fatty acids and antioxidant substances, it has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. This helps to relieve puffiness and eye bags.

Circulatory properties.

In addition, it favors the flow of blood vessels, tones the capillaries, and helps decongestant the skin. Therefore, they manage to reduce even the most notable dark circles.
How to apply castor oil to visibly improve dark circles
Let's see how we can apply these great natural dark circles to improve the appearance of our face:

First of all, you have to remove makeup and wash your face so that it is completely clean.
Next, put a few drops of the product on your fingertips and gently rub them so that the oil gets a little warm.
Then apply the oil under the eyes by tapping and massaging in a circular motion for two minutes to activate circulation in the area.
Leave it on overnight and the next day, wash your face with plenty of cold water. You will notice how your dark circles have been reduced significantly! 

How to Permanently Get Rid of Dark Circles - 15 Dark Circles Home Remedies

How to Permanently Get Rid of Dark Circles - 15 Dark Circles Home Remedies

Dark circles can affect both men and ladies . Now there are many reasons for dark circles to seem under your eyes; from stress , lack of sleep, hormonal changes, a disturbed lifestyle, hereditary and lots of more. But if not treated on time, they're going to not only dull your overall appearance, it also can cause serious health issues. Though chemical based products helps in getting obviate them, on the other hand there are many that have a particularly sensitive skin and only pure home remedies can help them.

Lotions For Dark Circles Under Eyes

You will need:
- 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice;
- 1 tbsp. l. aloe Vera juice;
- 1 tsp. strong chilled black tea;
- 1 tsp. asparagus juice (optional).

Mix all the ingredients, saturate cotton pads with this lotion, and place in the freezer for a couple of minutes.

Then apply to the eye area and sit for 5-7 minutes. It is very important to sit with your eyes closed and not look at the laptop or phone screen at this time.

Remove the discs from the eyes and wait for the remaining liquid to absorb into the skin.

After that, you can apply your usual eye care.

This procedure should be done every morning. The finished lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Homemade Vitamin K Serum

You will need:

- ¼ cup soybean oil (rapeseed oil works as an alternative);
- 2 tbsp. l. grated vegetables: raw potatoes, asparagus, cucumber, cabbage (choose what you like best or mix several components);
- sandalwood essential oil.

Soak grated vegetables in oil, leave in a dark place for 2 days.
Then strain the oil, remove the vegetables, and add 3-4 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
Using your fingertips, apply a couple of drops of the serum under the eyes, and gently massage into the skin.
Wait until the oil is absorbed, and then apply your usual care.

This procedure should be performed every night before bed. The finished serum can be stored for 5 days in a cool, dark place.

Use this scheme of care daily for 5 days. After a few days, you should notice a significant lightening of the eye area and an improvement in overall skin condition. In the future, you can use this method as prophylaxis against bruises and bags under the eyes.
There are many more homemade eye treatment recipes that are no worse than expensive store products. For additional treatments, make masks with grated raw potatoes, cucumbers, asparagus and broccoli, and chilled tea patches.

Regular care of the delicate skin around the eyes will not only help you look fresher and healthier but will also prevent the appearance of wrinkles in this area.

Remedies against dark circles
Although there are several home remedies that can help you reduce the appearance of dark circles, these are the most effective:

1. cucumber

It is one of the best remedies against dark circles, thanks to its astringent properties. It can lighten skin color, increase blood flow, and reduce troublesome bags.

What should you do?

Cut a cucumber into thick slices and soften in the refrigerator.
Place a slice of fresh cucumber on each eye for 10 to 15 minutes.
Then wash with warm water.
You can also grate a small cucumber.

Extract the juice and refrigerate it for a few minutes.
Insert a cotton ball and apply it under the eyes.
Let the skin absorb the juice for about 15 minutes and wash it with warm water.

Another way to treat dark circles is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts.

Then apply to the skin near the eyes with a cotton ball.
Leave to act for 15 minutes and wash with water.

2. Green tea bags

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Green tea bags can help lighten dark circles. They also reduce inflammation and swelling.

What should you do?

You should boil two bags of green tea in a cup and a half of water for 10 minutes.
After this time, remove the bags and cool them in the fridge for half an hour.
Then, place the cold tea bags over the eyes for about 15 minutes.
You can repeat this remedy twice a day.

3. Milk

Milk contains lactic acid, which helps soften and hydrate the skin under the eyes. In addition, milk has proteins, enzymes, amino acids, and antioxidants, very useful to strengthen the dermis and heal damaged skin. In cold compresses, it is one of the best remedies against dark circles and reduces puffiness of the eyes.

What should you do?

You should proceed to soak the cotton balls in cold milk (that has been in the refrigerator).
Place the cotton balls under the eyes and keep them there until they are warm.
You can repeat this remedy five or four times a day.

4. Tomato

It is one of the most effective remedies for this problem. Contains antioxidants that help relieve dark circles.

What should you do?

Crush a medium tomato until it forms a paste.
Then add half a tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of flour.
Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste.
Now ready, apply the paste on the dark circles, leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.
We recommend you read: Treatment with tomato for oily skin and with acne

5. Coconut oil

It helps hydrate the delicate and thin skin under the eyes, which also reduces the appearance of dark circles. In addition, coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin.

What should you do?
To begin, apply a little coconut oil to the skin near the eyes. Afterward, gently massage the area with circular movements.
Lastly, leave it on overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning.
These useful  remedies against dark circles will help you alleviate those horrible dark circles. Your eyes will look more youthful in no time if you do them consistently.

6. Turmeric!

Mix turmeric in 100 millilitres of natural pineapple juice until you get a thick paste. Apply it on your eyelids for 10 minutes and clean with a cloth.

7. The Softness Of Aloe Vera

You can use a cream or extract a few drops of aloe directly from the plant. Apply on your eyes giving small circular massages, leave to act overnight, and rinse with warm water in the morning.

8. The Power Of Potatoes

Put them in the fridge for an hour, then scratch them. Gather a little of the water that comes out of them and apply it with a cotton ball over your eyes; rinse the next day with warm water.

9. The Aroma Of Coffee

Make a cup of coffee without sugar and let it cool. Absorb a little of the liquid with the help of two kinds of cotton that you will place on your eyelids for 10 minutes.

10. Baking Soda For Any Problem

Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with  some warm water. Proceed to wet two pieces of cotton and place them on your eyelids for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a week.

11. Coconut Oil For Beauty

It is one of the most recommended as a beauty product. It helps hydrate skin and reduce dark spots around your eyes.

12. Natural Infusions

Green tea, peppermint, and chamomile will become your allies. Dip an envelope of the infusion you want in a glass of hot water for five minutes, then let the infusion cool and apply with a cotton ball to your eyes. Repeat the procedure at night.

13. Ice Cream Scoops

Put two spoons in the fridge for an hour, then place them over your eyes until you feel them begin to warm. This helps blood circulation to increase, reducing swelling.

14. Cold Compresses

Dip a towel in cold water, you can also use cold milk; apply the compress to the eyelids for 10 minutes. Repeat two to three times a week.

15. Refreshing Rose Water

Dip two small pieces of cotton in rosewater. Now place them on your eyelids for 10 to 12 minutes. You can perform the procedure on a daily basis.


5 Ways To Use Rice Mask For Flawless Skin

5 Ways To Use Rice Mask For Flawless Skin

Eastern women usually take advantage of the properties of rice beyond their diet, as these small grains are rich in minerals and vitamins B1 and B3, which provide antioxidants, optimize the ability to retain moisture, and tone the skin.

If you want to know what is the way they usually use it, then check out these 5 simple and infallible masks. They will become your favorites.

1. Forget about wrinkles!

A girl can rice mask on her face

For firm, fresh skin without expression lines.


1 tablespoon of rice flour
2 egg whites

Mix the ingredients in a bowl to form a thick paste, apply to your face, leave it to act for 20 minutes, and remove with cold water.

2. Bye, bye spots
Honey, oatmeal, milk, and rice for a mask

Recover your skin tone and/or eliminate those spots caused by acne.


1 tablespoon of rice flour
1 tablespoon of oatmeal
1 tablespoon of milk
1 tablespoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients in a cup to form a homogeneous paste, apply to your face, leave to act for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

3. Lower your tan
Girl beckoning and wearing white rice mask

It is ideal when your skin is reddened or tanned by exposure to the sun.


2 tablespoons of rice flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa
1/2 cup cold milk

Incorporate all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a smooth paste, apply to your skin, wait 15 minutes, and rinse.

4. No blemishes
Girlfriends with rice masks on their faces

Control excess oil and acne breakouts easily.


4 drops of castor oil
1 tablespoon of rice flour
10 drops of rose water

Mix all the ingredients, apply to the affected areas, let stand for 10 minutes, and remove with cold water. Use it three times a week.

5. Tone your skin
Plastic bottle with rice water inside

The simplest and most effective tonic on the planet.


1/2 cup of rice
1 cup of water

In a bowl pour the water and the rice, let it rest for 30 minutes, strain, and reserve the water in a bottle to apply it to your face after washing it.

How To Get A Porcelain Skin With This Homemade Mask

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How To Get A Porcelain Skin With This Homemade Mask

It is important for any girl to take care of her skin, but we definitely focus on that of the face and that is where all the attention is concentrated, and we also know that open pores can trigger more problems such as blackheads, blemishes and sometimes even allergies, so it is important to always exfoliate, apply creams and occasionally a mask.

Unfortunately, some products are not as cheap as we think and that is when we put aside the care of our skin. However, at home we always have ingredients that can be used to make masks; In addition to taking care of the skin, they also do it with our pocket. These are seven natural masks that will protect your face.

1. Honey with coffee

You need 2 tablespoons of natural honey and 2 of coffee beans.

To prepare it you have to grind the coffee beans in a container; later add honey until a paste is created; finally, apply it on the face and leave it to act for 15 minutes. Once the time is up, remove it with warm water. You will notice the change in seconds.

2. Baking soda and lemon

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of baking soda, juice of two lemons, and 2 tablespoons of water.

Put the three ingredients in a container until you have a homogeneous mixture; then apply the mask in circular movements; Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.
3. Oatmeal, milk, and honey
Ingredients: 1/2 cup of oatmeal; 3 tablespoons of milk; a tablespoon of sugar.

Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste; apply to the face with light massages; let it stay on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse.

4. Egg yolk and coffee

Ingredients: a tablespoon of ground coffee, egg yolk and a tablespoon of lemon.


In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients until well mixed.
Apply the mixture to your face and neck and leave it there for 15 minutes.
Remove the mask by massaging the skin slowly and in circles.
Rinse off the remains, dry your face, and apply a moisturizer.

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