How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly

If you have problems with underarm spots and do not know how to deal with them, set of home remedies to whiten or lighten underarms in a short time.

The treatment in addition to removing stains will prevent them from appearing in the future. Using home remedies are very easy.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Baking Soda?

Pour 1 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda into a container, then add the juice of one lemon. Mix the ingredients until a paste is formed.

Let the paste sit for 10 minutes and apply to the black spots on the Underarms. Let the pasta rest in the Underarms for 30 minutes and wash them with warm water. Repeat the treatment every day until the armpits clear.

After this treatment, you should avoid deodorants that contain alcohol. And if you have sensitive skin, lower the amount of lemon juice.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil removes dead cells that create an underarm stain. Rub the oil gently on the Underarms
 and leave it for 25 minutes. Finally, wash off with lukewarm water. The treatment can be done 7 days a week, twice a day (morning and night).

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Orange Peel

First, by drying the orange peel in the sun and when it is dry, grind it to a fine powder.

Soak the powder with a little milk and apply it to the underarm stains. Let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water. This treatment can be performed at night 4 times a week.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With A Potato?

Get the white potato and cut it into slices, rub the slices under the Underarms for 3 minutes, leave it to act for 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water. The treatment can be done twice a week.


How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside Naturally

Flies are one of the most widely distributed insects in the world, but that does not mean that they are quite annoying for people and animals. Whether in your home or at your workplace, they are never welcome, especially since their presence is related to dirt and because the hum they emit is usually intense.

Do you need to get rid of them as soon as possible but without hurting them? Don't you know how to scare flies away? At Expert Animal we offer you several homemade ways to scare away flies without killing them.

Flies can become a real home problem. They hover around, perch on food, carry dirt on their paws and deposit it in the places they frequent, transmit disease, and can become a pest if you don't look for a way to drive them away.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many flies in your house? First of all, you need to know that they increase their activity during hot seasons, since the temperate climate is better for their development, so it is unusual to see them in winter. In addition, flies live where they find the means to do so, that is, in spaces where they find food in quantities and places to reproduce.

Due to these reasons, flies will invade your home if you are accustomed to leaving food on kitchen surfaces, you do not dispose of waste properly and you do not thoroughly clean your home regularly. There are also other reasons to have flies at home, such as living near garbage cans or keeping containers with water for a long time without worrying about them being tightly closed.

The combination of household factors and the weather can make your home a true fly paradise, so you need to know the following methods to drive them away.

How to chase flies away from my house?

When we talk about killing flies, we are not talking about killing them, as there are other ways to naturally chase flies away. In this sense, fly traps are not recommended, since apart from being cruel, since their method of operation is to deliberately attract these insects to eliminate them, they are unhygienic, since the place where you place them will end up full of flies dead.

For this reason, we want to offer you a different natural, friendly, and above all simple method to apply, which will be easy to get started with just a few ingredients that you will find in your home. If you want to know how to scare away flies without killing them, we offer you the following options.

To chase away mocha, keep it clean

The presence of flies is accentuated during the summer since the hot climate is conducive to the development of their life cycle. Because of this, during this time of year, it is important to take hygienic measures to avoid their presence and to chase away flies from the kitchen and from your home.

We recommend you:

Keep the surfaces where food is prepared clean, as the smell of residues attracts flies.
Take out the trash frequently, making sure the bags are properly closed.
Clean the urine and feces of animals living in the home as soon as possible, if any.
Use mosquito nets on the windows to prevent flies from entering your home.
Drain, remove or seal any can of standing water, as this environment is conducive to the reproduction of flies and mosquitoes.
It performs a deep cleaning of all the spaces of the house.
Repair any water leaks that exist in pipes, bathrooms, and other spaces, as humidity attracts flies.
As you can see, all these measures allow you to prevent flies from entering your house without causing damage and without having to kill them, since it is not necessary to go to this extreme to get rid of them. Anyway, we share more remedies that help scare away flies without killing them.

Garlic Wedges To Scare House Flies

The smell of garlic is very annoying for these insects, so using it is a good way to scare away flies from your kitchen. All you have to do is peel some teeth and place them in a place that flies frequently or near the window, their strong perfume will easily scare them away.

We also recommend crushing garlic and placing it in the rooms, if you find it unsightly to leave your teeth full, this way the aroma is released faster.

Aromatic Plants To Scare Flies From The Patio

It is very pleasant to have aromatic plants at home, as they provide a fresh and delicious atmosphere to the spaces. If you like these vegetable companions, they can become your allies in chasing away flies from the patio.

We recommend those with strong smells, such as basil, lavender, marigold, mint, rosemary, bay leaf, and elderberry. Make sure that it is a rooted plant, not just an arrangement or a few branches, since this way you can use this natural remedy for a long time. Place the pot with the selected plant in the spaces of the patio that the flies frequent and you will see how they move away from there quickly.

How To Chase Flies Away With Vinegar?

White vinegar and apple cider vinegar are common ingredients for making homemade fly traps, however, today we will teach you how to take advantage of the power these ingredients offer to scare away flies, but without the need to harm them.

The strong smell of these two kinds of vinegar is annoying for flies, so we recommend cleaning the surfaces of your home with this, that is, apply them on the marble of the kitchen, the floor, and the bathrooms as if it were a cleaner. Simple, right? With this, you can chase away the flies with vinegar.

Essential oils to scare away flies without killing them
Like aromatic plants, putting in certain strong-smelling essential oils can help you chase flies away from your home. Scents such as citronella, pepper, mint, lavender, and eucalyptus will serve you well.

How to chase away flies from your home with this method? Simply place oil burners with the essences in problem locations such as the kitchen, patio, and near windows. Don't have an oil burner? There are two options: impregnate a cotton ball in the oil and put it in an uncapped bottle. You must repeat the operation when the aroma has disappeared; The other way is to spray pieces of cloth with the oil of your choice and hang them in different areas of the home.

Cloves And Lemon To Chase Away Flies From The Kitchen

Cloves and lemon, two ingredients you use in your culinary preparations, can help you chase flies away from your kitchen and home. You only have to cut half a lemon and prick several cloves in it and place it in the places where the flies gather. This technique can be applied using as many lemons as necessary.

This same remedy is very effective to scare away fruit flies since you can put the lemon with the cloves in the fruit bowl without a problem.

Bags and hot water to prevent flies from entering the house
This home remedy is also very simple, you will only need plastic bags and hot water. You must fill the bags with water, being careful not to burn yourself, close them tightly and then hang them in the places where you consider convenient, the combination will chase away flies from your patio, your kitchen and your home in general.

If you have small children or very curious pets, this method may not be ideal for you, since there is a risk that they break the bag and get burned. Therefore, it is essential that you place them in places to which they do not have access.

With these simple tips on natural remedies, you will keep flies away from your home without hurting them. Now, if what you want to know is how to drive them away from your dog because they tend to bother them, then we explain it to you.


How To Get Rid Of Dry Feet With Natural Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Dry Feet With Natural Remedies

People of all ages can suffer from cracked heels and dead skin on their feet. Lack of moisture is usually one of the most common reasons for having dead, scaly skin on your feet. This can cause your soles and heels to become rough, itchy, and develop red or scaly patches of thickened, dead skin, causing dry, cracked feet.

It is not just a lack of moisture that can cause dry feet and cracked heels. Podiatrist Dr. Marc Katz says that using the wrong type of soap, taking excessively hot showers or baths, cold weather, and low levels of humidity can cause hard, dead skin on your feet and heels.

Sometimes health conditions like eczema, diabetes, and psoriasis can make the problem worse. Standing for a long time on hard floors, being overweight, or wearing inappropriate footwear can also cause calluses and cracked heels to form.

It is important to keep your feet healthy because they are the ones that carry you every time you walk, stop or run. Under daily pressure, it is no wonder that your feet can become dry, cracked, and sometimes very painful. However, with care and attention to your feet, you can treat and prevent dead and dry skin cells from developing on your feet.

How To Get Rid Of Dry Feet With Natural Remedies

You can use many natural remedies to keep your feet soft and moist without painful cracks. For example, various natural ingredients and oils soften the hard, dead skin on your dry feet making it easier to remove cells from dry skin.

These are some of the best natural remedies that will leave your feet feeling soft, fresh, and relaxed.

Soak Dry Feet

One of the easiest ways to smooth dry, cracked skin on your feet is to soak your feet in warm soapy water. This helps soften calluses (thickening of the skin) making it easy to remove dead skin with a pumice stone. Here is what you should do to make a warm foot bath to soak your feet:

  1. Fill a container with warm soapy water.
  2. Soak your feet for 20-30 minutes to allow the skin to soften enough.
  3. Use a pumice stone, gently rub the dead skin cells.
  4. Rinse your feet with little warm water and dry your feet properly.
  5. After soaking in lukewarm water, you should hydrate your feet with a little olive oil or other natural oil, such as coconut oil, too, to keep the skin on your feet soft and prevent them from drying out. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week until the cracked feet are completely gone.

Epsom Salts

Using Epsom salts in a warm foot bath is an excellent natural remedy to heal dry and cracked feet, as well as relax and soften them. Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulfate, minerals that penetrate the skin, this helps to remove toxins from the body and maintain healthy skin tissue.

To do a foot bath with Epsom salts to get rid of dead skin cells, do the following:

  1. Feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap to remove dirt and grime.
  2. Stroke dry feet with a soft, clean towel.
  3. Take a container large enough to comfortably put both feet in.
  4. Fill with warm water. There should be enough water for it to reach your ankles when you put your feet on.
  5. Add about ½ cup of Epsom salt to the water.
  6. Soak the feet for 10-15 minutes until they soften.
  7. Mix a little Epsom salt with enough water to form a paste and exfoliate each foot with the mixture to remove any dead skin cells and flaky skin.
  8. Put your feet back in the basin to remove excess Epsom salt.
  9. Using a pumice stone, gently rub the thickened skin over your heels to remove dead skin.
  10. Rinse feet in warm water, clean and dry thoroughly.
  11. Use a light, natural moisturizer or a small amount of olive oil to keep skin soft and protected.
  12. Repeat the Epsom salt foot bath 2 to 3 times a week until you no longer have cracked heels or flaky skin on your feet.

Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil helps treat and prevent chapped feet due to its hydrating properties. It also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, compounds that can kill common foot infections.

The magazine Dermatitis showed that virgin coconut oil is an effective moisturizer to treat dry, rough, flaky, and itchy skin. Other studies have shown that coconut oil can destroy infection-causing bacteria and relieve itchy skin. If you have painful cracks in your bleeding heels, coconut oil is the perfect remedy to treat your condition and get immediate relief.

To use coconut oil to smooth dead skin cells and get rid of chapped feet, virgin coconut oil should be applied directly to the affected area before going to bed. Massage into the skin with a generous amount of coconut oil for 2 to 3 minutes until the skin softens and no longer cracks. Put on some clean cotton socks and then wash your feet in the morning.

Apply coconut oil regularly to keep the skin on your feet properly hydrated and to prevent a build-up of dead, dry skin cells. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil will also help keep feet smelling fresh and infection-free, like athlete's foot.

You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a tablespoon of coconut oil before massaging cracked feet. Lavender oil helps hydrate the skin and provides a rich fragrance for your feet.


Like lemon juice, the acidic properties of vinegar can help dissolve dead skin cells on the feet and help them feel soft. In addition, vinegar also contains antibacterial properties that can help kill foot infections and remove any odor from them.

To help get rid of dry feet, mix 1 part vinegar and 2 parts hot water in a large bowl. Soak the feet for 20 minutes and then pat dry. Repeat this once or twice a week until the symptoms have completely disappeared.


One way to hydrate your feet and treat dead cells from dry skin is to use glycerin. Glycerin is an organic compound and its common sources are animal fat or vegetable oil.

Glycerin is highly hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water from the air. It is able to retain moisture on the skin and prevent the feet from drying out making them flaky.

Glycerin can help prevent and treat dry, rough, flaky, and itchy skin. In fact, studies on the effectiveness of glycerin as a humectant found that it is very effective in treating dry skin.

You can make your own topical application with glycerin and lemon juice to smooth dry, hard skin on your feet. Glycerin locks in moisture making your skin smoother, and lemon juice helps dissolve dead skin cells.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. of glycerin and 1 tbsp. lemon juice in a small bowl.
  2. Apply the mixture on your feet and leave it to act for 20 minutes.
  3. Wash with clean hot water and pat dry feet with a clean towel.
  4. Apply the mixture of lemon juice and glycerin to your feet every day for about 2 weeks to treat the symptoms of cracked feet.

How To Get Rid Of Crepey Skin Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Crepey Skin Naturally


Let's see what you can do to help reduce the appearance of crepey skin and fine lines. Many of these home remedies for beautiful skin help increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin to give it a smoother, firmer appearance.


One of the best ways to increase skin elasticity and help get rid of crepey skin on your hands, legs, and face is to drink plenty of water.

The journal Skin Research and Technology published a study on the relationship between body hydration levels and skin elasticity. They found that dry skin tends to have more wrinkles and deep grooves. With improved hydration, the skin became more elastic and less "curly". 7

Increasing your daily fluid intake can also help prevent dry skin around the eyes and helps give your skin a firmer appearance.


Eating omega-3 fatty acids rich foods or taking omega-3 supplements is a great way to make your skin more elastic and prevent your skin from thinning. Omega-3 essential fatty acids also help reduce skin inflammation and can prevent the redness associated with eczema or rosacea.

Studies on the effect of omega-3 supplements found that they can prevent sun damage to the skin that can cause premature aging. For example, Oregon State University reported that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help minimize collagen damage and increase skin elasticity. 8 This can help repair damage to the skin that has caused it to become thin and paper-like.

For more information on the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, please read my article on the amazing health benefits of fish oil.


Vitamin E can help get rid of crepey skin on your arms, hands, legs, neck, as well as other areas of your body. Vitamin E is also of great use to tighten the skin if it has become crepey after rapid weight loss.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent premature skin aging. For example, the journal Advances in Dermatology and Allergology reported that vitamin E destroys free radicals in the skin and prevents skin cell damage. A deficiency in vitamin E has also been found to cause visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, wrinkled skin, and fine lines. 9

Research has shown that taking vitamin E orally has a beneficial effect on the skin. This can help improve the appearance of the skin on your body. Vitamin E also improves circulation and helps the blood to replenish the skin and keep it healthy. 10 This can also increase collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin on the face and neck. eleven

Please read my article on how vitamin E benefits to skin and hair for more information on how to use it for the benefit of your overall health.

You can also use other natural oils that are rich in vitamin E to nourish the skin, such as sweet almond oil, which is a common base oil for skincare and is also good for repairing damaged skin. Jojoba oil also contains vitamins E and B, as well as minerals to protect your skin from the effects of aging and the environment. The fact that it looks a lot like sebum, which is the oily substance our skin produces to keep skin moist, means it works perfectly on crepey skin.


Use Vitamin C on your hands, face, and neck if you want to help get rid of crepey skin and tighten skin to prevent sagging as much. Making sure you have plenty of vitamin C in your diet or supplementing your diet with vitamin C can also help give your skin a smoother appearance.

A study published in the journal BMC Dermatology showed that vitamin C is essential for collagen formation in the skin. For example, vitamin C in the skin decreases with age life. However, applying crepey skin lotions that contain Vitamin C helps achieve better-looking skin with fewer wrinkles. 12

Other studies have shown that taking vitamin C helps prevent the breakdown of collagen in the skin and increase elastin levels. Additionally, ingesting vitamin C orally or applying topically helps rid the skin of free radicals and helps prevent the onset of premature skin aging. 13

In fact, Vitamin C is one of the best anti-aging treatments that can be applied to the hands, neck, face, and any other area of   the body where crepey skin has.


One way to get the skin benefits of vitamin C for the skin is to use rosehip oil as a lotion for wrinkled skin. Rosehip oil is a natural anti-aging ingredient that can be applied topically to any area of   the body where crepey skin has.

A study published in the journal Clinical Interventions on Aging found that rosehip seed oil helps nourish the outer layer of the skin and provide a protective barrier against oxidative damage. Rosehip oil also supports collagen formation in the skin, and the study also found that it improves facial elasticity. 14

To find out how to use rosehip oil to get rid of crepey skin, please read my article on the benefits of rosehip oil for skin and hair.


Vitamin B is an essential vitamin if you want to improve the visible signs of skin aging and reduce crepey on the arms, face, and neck.

Research published in the journal Dermatological Surgery found that vitamin B3 helps reduce pigmentation and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Skin elasticity was found to be greatly improved and there were fewer signs of skin aging. fifteen

Foods rich in vitamin B3 (niacin) are fish, mushrooms, peas, sunflower seeds, meat, and avocado. You should also make sure that you avoid a vitamin B12 deficiency as this can cause various health problems. Also, be sure to eat enough wrinkle-fighting foods.


Aloe vera has many uses for healthy skin and repair of skin damage. You can also use the beneficial properties of aloe vera to increase collagen and improve skin elasticity. This can help prevent thinning of the skin and decrease the appearance of curly, old skin on the legs, neck, hands, and face.

Aloe vera's benefits to help reverse the effects of skin aging were published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology. The scientists found that aloe vera stimulates fibroblast cells to increase collagen levels in the skin. Aloe vera also protects the skin from sun damage and its antioxidant properties help to rid the skin of free radicals. sixteen

Aloe vera was also found to have anti-aging effects on the skin and help keep skin well hydrated. This can help prevent dry skin and gives the skin a less wrinkled appearance.

The best way to use aloe vera to get rid of crepey skin and avoid loss of skin elasticity is to regularly apply pure aloe vera gel to your hands, face, neck, and arms. You can also mix aloe vera with coconut oil to help increase the hydrating effect of aloe vera and get smoother looking skin.


Avocado oil is another natural oil that you can use to increase collagen in your skin and help get rid of crepey skin. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins and fatty acids that help hydrate the skin and nourish it to keep it healthy.

The Journal of Connective Tissue Research reported that avocado oil significantly increases collagen synthesis. This can help improve the appearance of your skin if affected by thin, paper-like skin. 17

All you have to do to smooth wrinkled skin is to gently massage avocado oil into the affected area. Over time, it should be noted that your skin is smoother and its elasticity is improved.


Shea butter is a rich emollient for crepey skin on the face, arms, legs, and neck. In fact, shea butter can be applied anywhere on your body where you have wrinkled skin and wrinkles.

Many scientific studies have shown that shea butter helps stimulate collagen production in the skin and improves elasticity. For example, the American Journal of Life Sciences found that Shea butter increases skin elasticity and helps eliminate signs of aging. The researchers found that Shea butter has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties when applied to the skin.


Another excellent skin moisturizer that is good for treating crepey skin is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter contains a high level of antioxidants that protects the skin from damage and reduces inflammation. A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science showed that cocoa butter contains natural compounds  that can increase skin thickness as well as collagen density and can also improve skin elasticity.

To use cocoa butter on the skin to treat or prevent crepey skin, try mixing with other beneficial products such as essential oils, vitamin E oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil.


There are also many essential oils that have skin rejuvenating properties and can help reverse the signs of aging, and I've mentioned them in my article on essential oils for fighting aging skin.

These essential oils are used in conjunction with aloe vera, avocado oil, rosehip oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, and vitamin E oil. Just a few drops in a tablespoon of carrier oil can do wonders for your skin. and help eliminate the aging “crepe paper” aspect of the skin.

Lemon oil contains vitamin C and can help nourish and replenish the skin and increase collagen. A study of the therapeutic effects of lemon oil on the skin found that its antioxidant properties help reduce the visible signs of aging.

Frankincense essential oil can also be used for crepey skin. The reason why frankincense oil helps prevent signs of aging on the skin of the face and back of the hands is that it improves the elasticity of the skin. twenty

Lavender oil is a soothing essential oil that also has skin rejuvenating properties. Studies on lavender oil have shown that it helps prevent oxidative stress on the skin which in turn prevents wrinkles and fine lines that form. twenty-one

Other essential oils that are great for making your skin look younger and healthier are sandalwood oil, carrot seed oil, patchouli oil, and rose oil. You can also find out how to make a fantastic natural anti-wrinkle cream to help remove the appearance of wrinkled skin and fine lines.


DIY Anti-Aging Hyaluronic Acid Serum Recipe

There are many DIY recipes available, each with different degrees of difficulty. Most important is quality and ingredient combinations, which will ultimately affect the effectiveness and range of benefits for your particular skin type.

You should also know that using a preservative is important to maintain the shelf life of your product and prevent the early growth of harmful bacteria. To avoid this, you can simply add a broad-spectrum preservative (such as Germall Plus or Optiphen) to any of the following recipes.

Hyaluronic acid serums should be applied to clean, moist skin. Allow the serum to be fully absorbed, then continue with your preferred skincare routine. If not applied to wet skin, this acid can have the opposite effect and dehydrate the skin.

Water-Based Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Water-based serums are absorbed more quickly into the skin. Oil-free serums have the added benefit of not clogging pores, making them ideal for people with oily or acne-prone skin.


1/4 cup distilled water
1/2 teaspoon hyaluronic acid powder
1/4 teaspoon glycerin (optional)
1/4 teaspoon liquid preservative (optional)

In a glass jar, combine the hyaluronic acid powder with water and glycerin or preservative (if used)
Cover the jar and shake well
Store in the refrigerator for several hours until it thickens; consistency should be smooth as hyaluronic acid absorbs water.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum With Vitamin C

Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C are often combined together. Vitamin C has been shown to have an anti-aging effect when used in concentrations between 5 and 15%. Vitamin C can fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, lighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots. These benefits complement the hydrating and anti-aging properties of hyaluronic acid.


1 teaspoon of pure L-ascorbic acid vitamin C powder
3 teaspoons of distilled water
1 teaspoon of hyaluronic acid powder

Combine all the ingredients in a glass container.
Channeled into an opaque glass bottle that has a pump or dropper

Hyaluronic Acid Serum with Rose Water

Rosewater is a popular ingredient in skin care due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Combining your DIY serum with rose water can help reduce acne and inflammation while offering the benefits of the powerful effects of hyaluronic acid.

Glycerin adds moisture, and hydrosol (a liquid distilled from flowers and other plants) provides a smooth texture and a fresh scent.


1 teaspoon of hyaluronic acid powder
1/2 cup of hydrosol (pink or regular)
1/2 teaspoon of food-grade glycerin
2 drops of rose essential oil
A glass dropper bottle

Combine the hyaluronic acid powder and the hydrosol in a glass jar.
Add glycerin and rose essential oil; mix well
Close the jar and refrigerate for 4 hours to allow the ingredients to combine.
Keep the serum refrigerated

 About Storage

Preservatives keep the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast that thrive in water-based skincare products at bay. Some preservatives prevent these irritants individually, but broad-spectrum preservatives like Germall Plus and Otiphenwork can prevent all three.

If you choose to incorporate a broad-spectrum preservative, your serum can have a shelf life of up to three months when stored at room temperature.

If you forgo a preservative, you would need to store your homemade whey in the refrigerator for a shelf life of up to a week.

You should also keep your product in a tightly closed opaque container to prevent oxidation, which can reduce the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid and some other ingredients like vitamin C.

Watermelon Soap Tutorial | Watermelon DIY Soap Recipe

Watermelon Soap Tutorial | Watermelon DIY Soap Recipe

Recipes For Watermelon Soaps

To facilitate the purchase in granvelada we have prepared a kit with everything you need to make this soap. The kit box contains everything you need to make the soaps and to decorate them in a simple and fun way. You can make them as a gift at events or parties. You just need to add a little cellophane and some ribbons to make a bow.

Have fun with your family and follow the whole step to learn how to make watermelon soaps. To make these soaps so appetizing we have used glycerin-based soap in suspension.

The peculiarity that defines this glycerin-based soap in suspension is that it allows exfoliating particles, seeds or any product in this format to remain in suspension throughout the soap, preventing its weight from falling and remaining only in the base. It is a thick consistent soap.


Materials needed to make watermelon soap

Then we leave you all the necessary ingredients that we have used to make Watermelon Soaps.

1 kg of glycerin base soap in suspension
20 ml watermelon essence
5 g poppy seeds
20 ml watermelon red food coloring for glycerin soap
5 g non-migrating apple green soap color
20 ml white opaque dye for glycerin soap
20ml of release agent
Cylindrical molds in three different sizes: 8.5 x 15 cm / 7.5 x 15 cm / 6 x 15 cm

Tutorial To Make Watermelon Soaps

First, we will make the red part with seeds.

We cut into cubes, to make it easier to melt 300 grams of base soap and melt it in the microwave. We will avoid boiling to prevent the soap from sweating later.
Coat the inside of the 5 cm mold with a release agent. We will distribute it well through the mold without putting excess to avoid marks on the soap.
Add to the melted soap 3 drops of watermelon essence and 4 drops of the red glycerin soap coloring.
We stir well to distribute it throughout the soap.
Incorporate 5 grams of poppy seeds. Using suspended soap makes it easier for the seeds to be scattered throughout the soap and not accumulate at the base of the soap.
 Spray alcohol with soap
Pour a small amount into the base of the pan. Let dry 1 minute.
Introduce the rest of the mixture until it is full and leave to dry for 1 hour.
After this time we will remove the red soap from the mold, if it resists we can put the soap in the freezer for a while, thus facilitating the release.
Now we will make the white part of the watermelon soap.

Melt 300 grams of suspension base soap in the microwave, slowly and avoiding boiling.
Apply mold release agent to the 6 cm mold.
Place the red soap inside and center of the 6 cm mold.
Add 4 drops of white opaque and 3 of the essence to the melted soap
Put alcohol in the red soap and in the melted white, pour a little of the white to cover the base. Let dry 1 minute.
Apply more alcohol and the rest of the white soap. You let it dry for 2 hours to dry the soap well.
We unmold the soap. We already have 2 parts of our watermelon together, the red and the white.
Now we have the green part.

We melt 300 grams of base soap in suspension.
We add a mold release agent to the 8 cm mold. We place in white and red soap inside and in the center of the 8 cm mold.
We add the green pigment, 3 drops of essence, and powdered alcohol. If we want to take more advantage of the dye, we can dissolve it and crush it in an alcohol mortar to break the particle. In this way, we will need less coloring.
Spray with alcohol the white part that will be in contact with the melted green.
Pour a little at the base of the mold and leave 1 minute.
We finished pouring all the content and let it dry for 2 hours.
We unmold our soap in three colors. If it resists a little when unmolding you can, as we have said before, but it a little in the freezer or give it a few taps on the sides.
We cut our soap into round slices and these in half to get a slice of watermelon.


How to Remove Unwanted Hair From Your Upper Lip Naturally

How to Remove Unwanted Hair From Your Upper Lip Naturally

1- Turmeric And Milk To Remove Upper Lip Hair

Turmeric is widely used as the main ingredient in beauty products, as it cleanses your skin deeply, eliminates blemishes and acne, reduces scarring, unifies skin tone and leaves your face bright, and milk is also beneficial since its lactic acid content exfoliates the skin and its amino acids hydrate it, so the combination of these two can help to remove hair from the upper lip naturally and reduce spots that may be on the skin.

You will need to

  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon of water or milk

What you have to do

Mix the turmeric well with the milk and apply it to your upper lip, leaving it to act for one hour on the skin. After this time, gently rub the paste and wash it with cold water. Do this three or 4 times a week.

2- Sugar Wax To Remove Hair From The Upper Lip

Sugar is well known as an ingredient that is used for painless hair removal, as it not only removes unwanted hair but also slows down its growth.

You will need to

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A soft piece of cloth

What you have to do

Take the sugar in a pot and let it heat for a minute, now, add the fresh lemon juice and stir until a thick liquid form. Let it cool down a bit and when it is at room temperature, apply to the upper lip region. Now, take a piece of cloth and gently place it over the applied paste, rub in circular motions, and then quickly pull against the direction of hair growth. Use this simple homemade hair removal solution when needed.

3- Honey And Lemon To Remove Upper Lip Hairs

In this home remedy for upper lip hair removal, honey works as a soft wax and helps pull hair out of your follicles. Any other tiny hair that remains is bleached with vitamin C from lemon juice.

You will need to

  • ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Warm water
  • Wipe

What you have to do

Apply this mixture of honey and lemon juice on the skin of the upper lip, leave it to act for 20 minutes and then wet the towel with warm water and extract the excess water to clean the face with this warm towel. Do this 2-3 times a week.

4- Egg Mask To Remove Upper Lip Hairs

Egg whites are another an excellent remedy for upper lip hair. Soothes your skin while at the same time helping you to dislodge hair from its follicles with the enzymes it contains.

You will need to

  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon of cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

What you have to do

Take the egg white and mix with the cornmeal and sugar, beat the mixture until sticky paste forms, and apply it to the upper lip, allowing it to dry and once this happens, remove it by gently massaging it with the fingertips, then wash the area with warm water. Repeat this twice a week.

5- Mask With Wheat Flour To Remove Hair From The Upper Lip

This is one of the simplest and simplest methods of depilation of the upper lip. By applying this fabulous blend, the hair follicles are loosened and hair can be easily removed when the mask is removed.

You will need to

  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • Pinch of turmeric

What you have to do

Mix all the ingredients to form a thick paste, apply it to the upper lip area, to wait for it to dry. Once dry, remove the mask slowly and wash the area with cold water. Use this hair removal treatment every 3 or 4 days for the best results.


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