Skin Whitening Face Mask To Get Crystal Clear Skin

Skin Whitening Face Mask To Get Crystal Clear Skin

The fresh tomato on the skin provides us with nutrition, hydrates it, provides us with multiple vitamins such as A, C, E, K, and B6 ... It also helps to balance the PH levels of the skin, making blemishes disappear, helps to reduce scars and sequelae of acne. It will also help us maintain youthful and smooth skin. You must bear in mind that this is a natural product and that you will only see the results by being consistent with its application.

1 tsp rice flour - 1 tsp milk powder - 1 tbsp almond milk - 1 tsp tomato pulp - 1 tbsp plain yogurt.
With a fork or spoon remove the pulp from the tomato, mash it to make a type of puree, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix them well.

Apply it on the face and neck, leave it for 20 min and then wash with fresh water.

Finally apply your usual moisturizer, for best results apply this mask every day.

Tomato Mask For Skin-whitening:

Tomato can help lighten skin or remove unsightly blemishes. To apply it, it will be necessary to obtain the tomato juice, and, with a cotton swab, rub the area of the skin that you want to lighten.

Apply a generous amount and wait for the tomato juice to dry. Then, you can proceed to rinse the skin to remove the residue from the applied mask.

Tomato mask with yogurt and oatmeal:

1 tablespoon of tomato juice
A tablespoon of yogurt, preferably Greek.
1 tablespoon of oatmeal
To prepare this mask, a tablespoon of oatmeal should be placed in a small container. Then, mix with the tomato juice and yogurt until you get a uniform and homogeneous paste. Before applying the mask, it is important that you have clean skin. Then you can start applying the remedy and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water.

Rice Mask for Skin-whitening:

A cup of rice.
The cup of rice should be covered with water and let stand an hour. After this time, you will have to strain the rice. In this case, you will only need the resulting water, which you will then have to keep in the fridge. For its application, you will need a cotton swab moistened with the rice water. With damp cotton, you will have to pass it through the areas you want to rinse and let it dry.

It is advisable to leave it on overnight and rinse with plenty of water the next morning. Likewise, it is important to highlight that, in case you are going to be exposed to the sun the next day, you will need to use a sunscreen.

Honey, Egg, Lemon, And Milk Mask For Skin-whitening:

Honey and egg again, an unparalleled mix for beauty. Combine two tablespoons of honey with a beaten egg white. Mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice and apply it to your face, massaging gently. You will feel how your skin stretches. Leave it for 20 minutes and clean your face with warm milk. A treat.

Milk is ideal for cleaning the skin and removing makeup. This product is the most effective natural makeup remover that exists. Using it is very simple: you just need to soak a piece of cotton in this liquid and apply it to the entire face, including the eyelids. It is then removed with a clean piece of cotton by gently dragging it. Milk in addition to cleaning the skin has moisturizing properties that are ideal for all skin types and does not cause excess oil on oily skin.


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